Rates & Rules

Supplying water to 64 homes on the outskirts of New Harmony, Ut

Rate Schedules & Rules and Regulations

Issued:  April 26, 1999, Effective December 18, 2018

Water Service Rate Schedule

Applicable in entire service area to water service for culinary purpose at one point of delivery.
Rates as herein set forth shall apply to each consumer unit.  A consumer unit is defined as a single dwelling or any store, service station, cafe, factory, shop, processing plant, or other establishment or concern that might apply for culinary water service for domestic purposes.
The following rates are for a period of one month:

Usage                                                               Fees

First 20,000 gallons                                   $48.00 minimum charge for each service connection
20,001 gallons to 40,000 gallons            $ 2.50 per 1,000 gallons
40,001 gallons to 60,000 gallons            $ 3.50 per 1,000 gallons
60,001 gallons to 80,000 gallons            $ 7.00 per 1,000 gallons
Over 80,000 gallons                                 $10.00 per 1,000 gallons

Water meters are read monthly on or about the last day of the month.
Statements are sent monthly, generally on the first of the month containing charges for the previous month. Statement distribution is done either by mail or, if approved by customer, email.  To select, or opt out of, the email option, go to the Contact Page and select the appropriate option. (See R&R paragraph 13)*

Standby Service Fee

Standby Service Fee                                       $48.00 per month

The Standby Service Fee applies to all lots legally deeded from the subdivision to the new lot owners where service mains are in place and where service is available; but no water service has been connected and no water service is used.  Should the Company be required to disconnect service after proper written notice of payment delinquency, said delinquent customer is still required to pay the Standby Service Fee.

Service Connection Fees

New Installation $2,000.00
(One-time charge for each service requiring new meter installation)
(Link to Service Connection Form)

Turn-on Service $    100.00
(Service turn-on where meter is already in place after either service disconnect or property title change)
(Link to Service Turn-on Form)

Transfer Fee    $       35.00
(Applicable on property title change)

Late fee  25% surcharge on existing balance assessed at start of next billing cycle. (See R&R paragraph 14)
(penalty for non-payment by due date)

Partial Month Fees
In some cases, it is necessary to access fees for partial billing periods. This generally occurs on the occasion of a sale or title transfer. In these cases, fees are prorated based on the closing date and divided between the seller and the buyer. If excess water usage is expected, the meter is read for the fractional period and usage for the entire period extrapolated. The usage fee is based on the extrapolated value and divided between the parties in a similar manner.


  1.  Company Stock per Customer:  As stated in the Company Articles of Incorporation each user will own one or more shares of common stock in the Company.  Each lot owner in the Harmony Heights Water Company will be issued shares of company stock according to the specifications required at the time of purchase of said lot or lots.
  2. Connections:  No unauthorized person shall tap any water main or distribution pipe of the Company and/or insert therein any corporation cock, stop cock or any other fixture or appliance or alter or disturb any service pipe, corporation stop, curb stop, gate valve, hydrant, water meter or any other attachment, being part of the waterworks system and attached thereto.  No person shall install any water service pipe or connect or disconnect any such service pipe with or from the mains or distribution pipes of said waterworks system, nor with or from any other service pipe now or hereafter connected with said system, nor make any repairs, additions to, or alterations of any such service pipe, tap, stop cock, or any other fixture or attachments connected with any such service pipe, without first obtaining a written permit from an office of the Harmony Heights Water Company.
  3. Application for Permit:  Any person desiring to obtain a supply of water from the Company shall make application in writing on the form obtainable from the Company or via the link below.  A water connection permit shall be issued upon receipt of the signed application accompanied by payment of the New Installation Service Connection Fee.  Service Connection Form
  4. Company Service Connections:  The New Installation Service Connection Fee shown in this tariff includes a meter, meter box, a cover, and a valved service line, and a one (1″) inch service to the Property Line.  The Company shall make excavation and installation from the main line connection in the road, to from one (1′) foot up to three (3′) feet beyond the meter. The meter and meter box will be located as directed by the Company.  All materials furnished by the Company shall remain its sole and exclusive property.
  5. Applicant’s Service Connection Requirements:  All applicants for water service shall furnish, lay, and install at their own expense, that portion of the service not provided by the Company.  Installation shall be inspected and approved by the Company before the service line trench is back-filled. A shut-off valve shall be provided by the applicant on each service line, within three (3′) feet of the water meter box.
  6. Metering of Service:  Meters may be checked, inspected, or adjusted at the discretion of the Company.  Only authorized representatives of the Company shall open meter boxes to turn on or off water, except in case of emergency or when the Company gives special permission.
  7. Meter Adjustments:   If the meter fails to register at any time, the water delivered during such a period shall be billed at the minimum rate.  In the event a meter is found to be recording at less than 97 percent or more than 103 percent of actual, the Company may make such adjustments to the customer’s previous bill as are just and fair under the circumstances.
  8. Water Use Restriction:  The lot owner or occupant of any structure on said premises which is entitled to the use of water from the Company shall not supply water to any other building, trailers, and/or premise in which occupants are residing on a permanent or semi-permanent basis.
  9. Service Turn-on and Turn-off:  Service may be turned off by the Company when so requested by the applicant and/or when the applicant fails to abide by these Rules and Regulations.  Whenever the water is turned off at any premises, it shall not be turned on again until the customer pays all delinquent balances owing, which includes any late charges and/or legal fees, the re-connection fee as shown in the rate schedule, and submits the appropriate application.  Service Turn-on Form  Only authorized representatives of the Company shall turn on or off water at the meter box except in case of an emergency or when special permission is granted by the Company.
  10. Disruption Liability:  The Company shall use reasonable diligence to provide continuous water service to its customers, and shall make a reasonable effort to furnish them with a clean, pure supply of water.  However, the Company shall not be held liable for damages to any water user by reason of any stoppage or interruption of water supply caused by scarcity of water, accidents to works, water main alterations, additions or repairs, acts of God or other unavoidable causes.
  11. Damage to Facilities:  Costs of any damage resulting from the failure of the owner, agent or tenant to properly protect the water meter or other facilities of the Company installed upon premises supplied with water, shall be assessed against such owner, agent or tenant.   Water consumers shall not tamper with or remove the meter, or interfere with the reading thereof.
  12. Reading of Meters:  All meters shall be read by the Company on a monthly basis on or about the last day of the month. Charges will be based on the water usage indicated by the difference in meter readings. Meters are read electronically and questionable readings are verified by inspection.
  13. Billing and Payments:  Statements containing the charges for the previous month will be sent on or about the first of each month and shall be due twenty (20) days after being rendered
  14. Delinquent Accounts:  If any customer neglects or refuses to pay a water service bill or any other obligation due to the Company within thirty (30) days from the date of said billings, the customer will be assessed a late fee of twenty-five (25%) percent of the delinquent past due amount as required by the by-laws of the Corporation (Article 8.2).
    Should any account become sixty(60) days delinquent, the Termination of Residential Service Policy (below) will be followed. Should any legal action be required, all legal fees and expenses incurred will be required to be paid by the stockholder. In case of severe delinquency, a lien may be placed on said property.  Company’s employees shall have the right to go upon the premises and do such work as may be necessary to disconnect the water service.  Before any service is renewed, all accounts due must be paid in full, plus the established tariff fee for re-connection shall be paid.
  15. Standby Service Fee: This fee is due and payable as required by paragraph 13 and 14 above.  All regulations for delinquent accounts will apply.  No new Service Connection will be granted until all fees and accounts are paid in full.
  16. Requested Discontinuance of Service:  Any customer wishing to discontinue service shall notify the Company so that the meter can be read for a final billing.  Such final bill shall be due and payable upon receipt.
  17. Regulated Usage:  Whenever the Company shall determine that the amount of water available to its distribution system has diminished to such a volume that, unless restricted, the public health, safety and general welfare is likely to be endangered, it may prescribe rules and regulations to conserve the water supply during such emergency.  Such rules and regulations may include, but shall not be limited to, the restriction to certain hours (or total prohibition) of the use of water for outdoor watering
  18. Changes and Amendments:  The right is reserved to amend or add to these Rules and Regulations as experience may show it to be necessary.
  19. Additional Stockholders Responsibility:  Should stockholder lease or rent said property, the stockholder will be billed and remain responsible for all charges incurred to the Harmony Heights Water Company as per paragraph 13 and 14.
  20. Customer’s Statement of Rights and Responsibilities.  The Company will provide a copy of the “Customer’s Statement of Rights and Responsibilities” when water service is extended to an account holder, annually, and upon first notice of an impending service disconnection.


  1. Definition: An extension is any continuation of or branch from, the nearest available existing line of the Company, including any increase of capacity of an existing line to meet the Customers’ requirements.
  2. Costs:  The total cost of extensions including engineering, labor, and materials shall be paid by the applicants.  If because of the extension and/or the additional water customers, which would require additional water rights, pumps, storage, or other water plant expansion, the Company may require the applicants to pay these costs.  Where more than one customer is involved in an extension the costs shall be pro-rated on the basis of the street frontage distances involved or upon such other basis as may be mutually agreed by the applicants.  Sufficient valves and fire hydrants must be included with every installation.
  3. Construction Standards:  Minimum standards of the Company shall be met, which standards shall also comply with the standards of the Utah State Division of Drinking Water.  The pipeline may be installed along dedicated streets and highways.
  4. Water Storage and Supply:  Except as provided for in paragraph 2 herein above, all costs for providing increased water supply and storage shall be paid by the Company.  This cost shall include the installation and operation of pumps as required for proper pressure regulation of the system.
  5. Ownership:  Completed facilities and water rights shall be owned, operated, and maintained by the Company, including and through meters as detailed in the Tariff Rules and Regulations.
  6. Temporary Service:  The Customer will pay the total cost for the installation and removal of any extension for service to a venture of a temporary or speculative nature.  Such costs will be estimated and paid before work is begun on the extension.


  1. Right to Deferred Payment Agreement.  A Customer who cannot pay a delinquent account balance on demand shall have the right to receive residential utility service under a Deferred Payment Agreement, unless the delinquent account balance is the result of unauthorized usage of, or diversion of, residential water service, in which case the use of a Deferred Payment Agreement is at the Company’s discretion. The terms of a Deferred Payment Agreement shall be set forth in a written agreement entered into by both the Company and the Customer. A copy of the Deferred Payment Agreement shall be provided to the Customer. 
  2. Deferred Payment Agreement. An applicant or Customer shall have the right to a Deferred Payment Agreement,consisting of twelve (12) months of equal monthly payments, if the full amount of the delinquent balance plus interest shall be paid within the twelve (12) months and if the Customer agrees to pay the initial monthly installment. The Customer shall have the right to pre-pay a monthly installment, pre-pay a portion of, or the total amount of the outstanding balance due under a Deferred Payment Agreement at any time during the term of the agreement. The Customer also has the option,when negotiating a Deferred Payment Agreement, to include the amount of the current month’s bill plus the re-connection charges in the total amount to be paid over the term of the Deferred Payment Agreement. If a finance charge is assessed,the Deferred Payment Agreement shall contain notice of the charge.
  3. Breech of Deferred Payment AgreementIf a Customer breaches a condition or term of a Deferred Payment Agreement, the Company may treat that breach as a delinquent account and shall have the right to disconnect service pursuant to the termination rules  and the Customer shall not have the right to a renewal of the Deferred Payment Agreement. Renewal of Deferred Payment Agreement after the breach shall be at the Company’s discretion.


  1. Notice of Proposed Termination of Service.  Should any account become sixty(60) days delinquent, the Company shall give written notice of disconnection for nonpayment to the Customer at least ten (10) calendar days before a proposed termination of residential utility service. The 10-day time period is computed from the date the notice is post marked. The notice shall be given by first class mail or delivery to the premises and shall contain the following information: a) The Statement of Customer Rights and Responsibilities Customer Rights & Responsibilities ; b) Specific steps, printed in a conspicuous fashion that may betaken by the Customer to avoid termination of service; and c) The date by which payment arrangements must be made to avoid termination of service.
  2. Personal Notification. At least forty eight (48) hours before termination of service is scheduled, the Company will make good faith efforts to notify the account holder or an adult member of the household, by mail, by telephone or by a personal visit to the residence. If personal notification has not been made either directly by the Company or by the Customer in response to a mailed notice, the Company will leave a written termination of service notice at the residence. Personal notification, such as a visit to the residence or telephone conversation with the Customer, is required only during the winter months,October 1 through March 31. Other months of the year, the mailed 48-hour notice can be the final notice before the termination of service.  If termination of service is not accomplished within fifteen (15) business days following the 48-hour notice, the Company will follow the same procedures for another 48-hour notice.
  3. Restrictions upon Termination of Service During Serious IllnessResidential utility service may not be terminated and will be restored if terminated when the termination of service will cause or aggravate a serious illness or infirmity of a person living in the residence.  Upon receipt of a statement, signed by an osteopathic physician, a physician, a surgeon, a naturopathic physician, a physician assistant, a nurse, or a certified nurse midwife, as the providers are defined and licensed under Title 58 of the Utah Code, on the health care provider’s letterhead stationery, which statement legibly identifies the health infirmity or potential health hazard, and how termination of service will injure the person’s health or aggravate their illness, the Company will continue or restore residential utility service for the period set forth in the statement or one month,whichever is less; however, the person whose health is threatened or illness aggravated may petition the Company for an extension of time.  During the period of continued service, the account holder is liable for the cost of residential utility service. No action to terminate the service may be undertaken, however, until the end of the period of continued service.
  4. Restrictions upon Termination of Service to Residences with Life-Supporting Equipment. The Company will not terminate service to a residence in which the Customer or a resident is known by the Company to be using an iron lung, respirator, dialysis machine, or other life-supporting equipment whose normal operation requires continuation of the Company’s service. Account holders eligible for this protection may obtain it by filing a written notice with the Company, signed and supported by a statement and specifically identifying the life-support equipment that requires the Company’s service.  
  5. Termination of Service Without NoticeThe Company may terminate residential utility service without notice when, in its judgment, a clear emergency or serious health or safety hazard exists for so long as the conditions exist, or when there is unauthorized use or diversion of residential utility service or tampering with wires, pipes, meters, or other equipment owned by the Company.The Company shall immediately try to notify the Customer of the termination of service and the reasons therefor.
  6. Termination HoursUpon expiration of the notice of proposed termination of service, the Company may terminate residential utility service. Except for service diversion or for safety considerations, utility service shall not be disconnected between Thursday at 4:00 p.m. and Monday at 9:00 a.m. or on legal holidays recognized by Utah. Service may be disconnected only between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m.

Disclaimer – While all efforts have made to assure the accuracy of this presentation of the Harmony Heights Water Co Rate Schedules & Rules and Regulations, the Company assumes no responsibility for inaccuracies on misstatements.  Furthermore, should concerns arise, you are advised to request a copy of the actual document from the Company.  You can do this on the Contact Us form

*Statements in italics were added for clarity or to reiterate pertinent information in additional areas of the document.